Category: Marketing


5 Law Firm Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Practice in 2024

In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the curve is essential for law firms looking to thrive and expand their practices. Whether you’re a solo practitioner or...

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11 Law Firm Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

Everybody makes mistakes, but some are more costly than others – especially in the competitive world of digital marketing. You want your law firm to get more cases,...

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4 Ways to Get More Clients for Your Law Firm in 2024

You need more business, but the methods you’ve tried either haven’t brought in enough clients or they brought in the wrong clients altogether. To fix this, here are...

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How to Make Virtual Consultations More Personal

Connecting with clients via video conferencing has been more challenging than many attorneys expected. These days, we’re all realizing exactly how important one’s physical presence is to effective...

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How to Grow Your Law Firm Sustainably

Thousands of law firms across the country are facing enormous growth challenges. They’re having trouble competing with other firms, struggling to acquire new clients, and are much too...

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Choosing the Best CMS for Your Law Firm

Managing your website is a crucial part of your business because it helps potential clients find you. One of the most important elements of building a great website...

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4 Reasons to Invest in Law Firm Growth Strategies

Every sector in the legal industry has felt the effects of COVID-19. As the role of legal operations in a post-pandemic world remains somewhat hazy, one thing remains...

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Why Bad Reviews Are Good for Your Business

We get it: online reviews are tricky. They’re almost like a game of Battleship. You have to tread carefully and provide all your services perfectly without a flaw,...

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4 Ways to Build Strong Client Relationships for Law Firms

The world is changing. Since 2008, legal services have evolved drastically from a seller’s to a buyer’s market. Client expectations are growing daily, and the same-old, same-old tactics...

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How Much Should Law Firms Spend on Marketing?

When law firms say something like, “every client matters,” they aren’t just projecting a cozy image. They also literally mean they need a steady pipeline of clients. New...

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